Things happen in life, like difficulties with work or finances, the breakdown of a relationship, overwhelming family responsibilities, or a significant setback. These challenges can take a serious toll on your mental health, if left unchecked. Many men tough it out and struggle alone.
Establishing and maintaining relationships, talking about the hard stuff in life and taking action when times are tough are proven ways for men stay mentally healthy and cope with the stress of everyday life. Good overall health and wellbeing is linked to not only to better mental health but also reduces the likelihood of suicide.
Some signs of poor mental health include feeling irritable, hopeless or worthless and behaviors such as aggression, drinking more than usual and isolating yourself from friends and family.

For Men. About Men. Health Strategies for Managing and Preventing Depression

Some Ways to Look After Your Mental Health
- Do more of the things that make you feel great and help you to de-stress
- Spend time with friends
- Share what’s going on, especially if you’re feeling overwhelmed
Untreated mental health conditions can carry a high risk for suicide among men. The distress a man experiences at these times can distort his thinking so it becomes harder for him to see possible solutions to problems, or to connect with those who can offer support.
There are a number of factors that have been linked to an increased risk of suicide, including:
- Previous family or personal history of mental illness
- Harmful drug and alcohol use
- Isolation or loneliness
- Ongoing stressful life situations such as unemployment, relationship difficulties or chronic health issues

If you or someone you know are emotionally distressed or in crisis, the most important first step is to talk. Begin a conversation with a friend, family member, health professional or support service. Advice and effective tools are available.
Talking, listening and being there for someone doing it tough can be lifesaving. Check in if you know someone is going through a difficult time. Ask if they are doing okay and be prepared to listen.
Source: Movember Canada
Depression is a Thief

It’s an illness that can rob you of your will to live. It can also steal:
- The pleasure from things that used to give you joy
- Your physical energy and strength
- Your connections to friends and family
- Your ability to handle stress
It’s not a sign of weakness, it’s a fact. Guys get depressed. Depression affects millions of men every year, and is the leading cause of disability worldwide.
There are many misconceptions about depression that make it difficult for men to talk to others and take charge of their health.
Because of these myths, men will often talk about feeling angry or irritable rather than sad or down. These myths can also feel like handcuffs for men, preventing them from reaching out to others for even a little support. This contributes to many men not seeking support until their depression is very severe, if at all. This can place men at an increased risk of taking their own lives – the greatest risk factor for suicide is untreated depression.

Fortunately, more and more men, including professional athletes, musicians, actors, lawyers, businessmen, writers, tradesmen, teachers, men in the military, and everyone in between, are ‘going public’ about depression and taking control of their health.
The myths are breaking down, freeing guys to talk about and tackle their depression.
Ignoring or hiding the pain of depression only makes things worse. This site will provide you with tips and tools, information about professional services, and stories of success that show you how depression can be overcome.
It starts with you recognizing depression and then making important changes in your life to overcome it. It takes courage. It takes strength. It takes work. But know that it can be done.
Source: Heads Up Guys
Additional Resources for Men
Suicide is a complex issue with many unique, contributing variables. While there is no magic solution when it comes to suicide prevention, we believe the best defense is a good offense. After years of research, Man Therapy® was created as an upstream approach to preventing suicide for the highest-risk men, who often don’t receive support. The innovative campaign and 24/7 digital platform gets working-aged men to think differently about their mental health and take action before they ever reach a point of crisis. Man Therapy® has spent over ten years breaking down barriers to help-seeking behavior and smashing the notion that men can’t talk about their feelings.

You may have depression and not know it. This booklet will help you find out. Maybe you know that you are depressed but don’t know where to get help. We’ll show you some safe places to start looking. Maybe you know a man who seems depressed. We’ll show you how to help. Getting help for your depression can make a big difference in your life and in the lives of those you love and those who love you.