International Crisis Centres

If in crisis, call 911 or the Mental Health Crisis Lines provided below. The LifeLine Canada Foundation is not a crisis hotline. Following are some international crisis helpline or hotline information.


The Samaritans: 08457-90-90-90


National crisis line: 01-45-39-40-00


National crisis line: 0900-1450


Befrienders 03-5286-9090


The Samaritans HK: 2896-0000


Life Line 021-6279-8990JAPAN


Befrienders Osaka: 81-066-260-4343

Befrienders Osaka: 81-066-260-4343

Children & Families: 03-4550-1146

Counseling Center: 03-4550-1146


Life Line Tokyo: 03-5774-0992


1life: 1-800-247-100 or text the word HELP to 51444

Bodywhys (help for Anorexia and bulimia): 01-283-5126

Childline: 1-800-666-666 -0800-1111

Contact Youth (counselling for young People): 028-90457848

Eating Disorders Assessment (NI): 90618299 or 90621627

Nexus Rape and Incest Counselling

  • Belfast Centre – 028-9032-6803
  • Londonderry Centre- 028-7126-0566
  • Enniskillen – 028-6632-0046
  • Portadown – 028-3835-0588

Community addiction service, alcohol, drugs addiction: 028 90664434 or 90330499 or 90731602

Child Protection Helpline: freephone, 24 hrs – 0800-800500

Rape crisis and sexual abuse centre: 028-9024-9696

Victim Support Belfast – 028-9024-4039


Young Persons Advice line: 0808-808 5678

Youthline: 0808-808 8000

Zest suicide/prevention Londonderry: 028-71266999


Bandarawela: 0572222662

Kandy: 081-2234806

Katunayake: 011311020

Kohuwela: 5780153

Kurunegala: 0374931731

Lunugamvehera: 0475781200

Matale: 0662223521

Mawanelle: 035-5788330

Panadura: 038-2235291

Panduwasnuwara: 0372291718

Panduwasnuwera: 0375715815

Sumithrayo – Colombo: 2692909 / 2696666 / 2683555


Alcoholics Anonymous: 0845 769 7555

CHILDLINE: 0800-1111

Cruse Bereavement Care: 0870-1671677

Family Line: 0808-800-5678

Farmers in Difficulty: 07002-326326

National Debt Helpline: 0808-084000

National Drugs Helpline: 0800-77-66-00

Papyrus Hopeline: 0870-1704000

Sexuality: 020-7837-7324

The Samaritans: 08457-90-90-90

Violence & Crime: 0845 30 30 900

Woman’s Aid Domestic Helpline: 08457-023468


Age Scotland: 0845-125-9732

Alternatives Crisis Pregnancy Trust: 01382-221112

Angus Women’s Aid Supportline: 01241-439457

Anti-Social Behaviour Helpline: 0800-1691283

Breathing Space Scotland: 0800-83-85-87 – For young men who may be feeling suicidal

Caithness & Sutherland Women’s Aid: 01955-606971

Central Scotland Rape Crisis & Sexual Abuse Centre: 01786-471771

Chest, heart & stroke: 0845-077-6000

Child Protection Line: 0800-0223222

Debt Line Scotland: 020-7553-7640

Dementia Helpline: 0808-808-3000

Drugs Action: 01224-594700

Edinburgh Crisis Centre: 0808-801-0414

Epilepsy Scotland: 0808-8002200

Families Anonymous: 0845-1200660

Fife Independent Disability Helpline: 01592-203993

Glasgow Battered Women’s Aid: 0141-553-2022

Interactions Counseling & Support Services: 01592-262869

Inverclyde Women’s Aid: 01475-888505

Lothian LGBT Helpline: 0131-556-4049

NHS 24 HR Helpline: 08454-24-24-24

NHS INFORM Scotland Helpline: 0800-22-44-8

One Parent Families Scotland: 0808-8010323

Parentline Scotland: 0800-028-2233

Perth & Kinross Drug & Alcohol Team: 01738-474455

Rape Crisis Scotland:08088-01-03-02

Scottish Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0800-027-1234

Scottish Women’s Aid: 0800-027-1234

Shelter Scotland: 0808-800-4444 housing advice

The Samaritans: 08457-90-90-90

The Scottish Prisoners Family Helpline: 0500-839383

Women’s Aid Edinburgh: 0131-315-8110

Your Call: 0808-801-03-62 for the physically challenged across Scotland