People are not only living longer, but also staying healthy and independent longer than ever before. We want all older adults – and their family members – to have high-quality information about health issues that might affect them. We believe that with this information, older adults will be empowered to make informed decisions about their health care and build effective relationships with their health care providers.
Mental health problems are NOT a normal part of aging. Difficulties with mood, thinking and behaviour are not an inevitable part of aging. Nor are they signs of personal weakness. They are usually signs that something is wrong that requires attention from a health care professional.

The Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health (CCSMH) works to ensure that seniors’ mental health is recognized as a key Canadian health and wellness issue. Working with partners across the country, the CCSMH is busy facilitating initiatives to enhance and promote seniors’ mental health.
This guide is intended for information purposes only and is not intended to be interpreted or used as a standard of medical practice. Production of this guide has been made possible through a financial contribution from the Public Health Agencey of Canada.

A lot of things change for us as we age. And that includes our sleep. Unfortunately, there are a lot of factors that can affect the sleep of seniors negatively. Some are just a natural consequence of aging as our sleep cycle changes. Contrary to popular belief, the amount of sleep we need does not change; it is our ability to get as much restorative deep sleep as younger people that does. Fragmented sleep, insomnia, and other sleep disorders are common in seniors.
Older adults experiencing changes in their mood, thinking and behaviour may not be aware of the changes that are taking place, may misunderstand the nature of the changes that are occurring, or may be ashamed of the idea that they’re developing “mental health problems.” Family members may misunderstand and think that these changes are normal parts of aging, aspects of their relative’s personality, or signs of personal weakness and may not know how best to help.